

Welcome to the Vitality project! The aims of this project are primarily to improve communication within and between climate change advocacy groups. Success measures include the degree of engagement of group members, the strength of bonds between members of a group, and the strength of bonds between groups. Non-goals at this stage include the recruitment of new members and member retention.

Why are these things important? After many decades, advocates for a responsible response to climate change still face significant headwinds -- societal, economic, political, and psychological, etc. To adequately address climate change it is necessary yet insufficient to merely develop strength in technological, legal, political, and financial systems. It is also vitally important to develop resilient, growing communities that can sustain the long-term effort needed to re-engineer global systems for sustainability on the hundreds-of-years timescale.

Use cases

This project is guided by a project plan that is not yet released. In the meantime, Some potential use cases are sketched below, to give a sense of what may be forthcoming. For more details on the project please contact us.

  • Map the global climate community
  • Climate group engagement tools
  • Decision-making tools
  • Feedback Tools. Polls, surveys, etc.
  • Strengthing connections
  • Develop a conceptual framework / model for climate communications and engagement

Get involved

Do you belong to a climate group that you'd like to enhance via this prpoject? Would you like to correct or supplement any of the data included here? Do you have ideas on how this project should proceed? Just want to chat? By all means, please contact us.

Terminology and Definitions

  • Climate person -- Individual who is working in some capacity to reverse climate change.
  • Climate group -- A collection of climate people working torards common aims.
  • Climate graph
    • A model of the people in a climate group and their relationships or
    • A model of a collection of climate groups and their relationships.


Climate people maps

These data sets help to develop a picture of the groups that are working to reverse climate change.

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