
Ways to get in touch


Email is a great way to get in touch. For all enquiries simply send an email ( You'll get a reply as soon as possible. Thanks!

Instant message

If instant messaging is more your sort of thing, you can communicate with the Nonzero Sum community on Slack. Feel free to drop in to the Nonzero Sum workspace to share your questions, suggestions, and ideas.

To participate, new members must first join the workspace.

Code of conduct

All communication in the Nonzero Sum community must adhere to this code of conduct. Any breaches of this code may result in remediations that may include but are not limited to the deletion of messages and other content, suspension, or removal from communication channels.

  • Courtesy. Be nice.
  • Accountability. Identify yourself. Use your real name.
  • On topic. Discuss sustainable software development only.
  • Sustainability. Our discussions must be sustainable...
    • Be respectful of human resources. Don't waste other's time/resources.
    • Communicate asynchronously. Don't require/expect instant replies.
    • Keep it simple.
  • Obey your local laws.



Anyone is welcome to subscribe to at most once weekly updates from Nonzero Sum, in the form of an email newsletter. Subscribe to the newsletter.


Beta program membership is available depending on the need for reviewers at a given time. If you're interested, email or im and include a little about why you're interested in joining.


Article submissions, comments, and corrections are more than welcome, they're positively encouraged! Just email or im and include the text of your submission, or a link to it if applicable.


Bug reports will be gladly rewarded. Just email or im and include your evidence. If your bug might be sensitive, please only submit it over a private channel like email.

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