The following is an incomplete list of currently active climate groups. This list is a work in progress. If you see a way to improve it, please contact us. Significant contributions will be credited here, with special mention for any contributions that increase the data set by 10% more.
Terminology and definitions
Groups. A group is included in this dataset if it is a currently active group that is working to reverse climate change. There are many groups whose work is essential to reversing climate change, yet are not dedicated to climate change reversal per se. For example, consider a regional health care provider. This organization may be a key provider of services that aid in the adaption to climate change for their region. Nonetheless as the organization has no specific affiliation to climate change work, it wouldn't be included in this data set.
Provisional data. Rather than omitting data that is uncertain or requires further research, it is included in the data set with an annotation that indicates that it is provisional and may change in the future.
Climate change groups
- Great Transition Initiative
- Para La Naturaleza
- 350.org
- A Rocha
- ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece
- Acción de Lucha Anti-Petrola
- African Conservation Foundation
- African Conservation Trust
- African Wildlife Foundation
- Agency for Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology
- Agroforestry Research Trust
- Alyansa Tigil Mina
- American Forests
- Ancient Forest Alliance
- Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity
- Anti-nuclear movement
- Arab Forum for Environment and Development
- Asociación pola defensa da ría
- Association for Environment Conscious Building
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Australian Koala Foundation
- Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices
- Australian Student Environment Network
- Australian Wildlife Conservancy
- Australian Youth Climate Coalition
- Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
- BUNDjugend
- Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
- Bat Conservation Trust
- Bellona Foundation
- Bergwaldprojekt
- Bicycology
- BioRegional
- Bioenergy Europe
- Bioversity International
- Bird Protection Quebec
- BirdLife International
- BirdLife Malta
- Birds Australia
- Blue Mountains Conservation Society
- Blue Ventures
- Blue Wedges
- Bombay Natural History Society
- Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
- Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland
- British Ecological Society
- British Mycological Society
- British Phycological Society
- British Trust for Ornithology
- Buglife
- Buller Conservation Group
- Bumblebee Conservation Trust
- Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland
- Bush Heritage Australia
- Butterfly Conservation
- CEE Bankwatch Network
- CERES Community Environment Park
- Campaign for Better Transport
- Campaign for National Parks
- Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
- Campaign to Protect Rural England
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
- Canadian Environmental Law Association
- Canadian Environmental Network
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society
- Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
- Canal & River Trust
- Cape Town Ecology Group
- CapeNature
- Casa Pueblo
- Center for Development and Strategy
- Centre for Alternative Technology
- Centre for Science and Environment
- Cetacean Conservation Center
- Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
- China greentech initiative
- Citizens' Climate Lobby
- Clean Air Network
- Clean Ocean Foundation
- Clear the Air (Hong Kong)
- ClientEarth
- Climate Action Network
- Climate Action Network
- Coastwatch Europe
- Community Forests International
- Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi
- Confederation of European Environmental Engineering Societies
- Conservation International
- Conservation Through Public Health
- Conserve
- Corporate Europe Observatory
- Dancing Star Foundation
- Danish Organisation for Renewable Energy
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Deep Green Resistance
- Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International
- Dolphin Action & Protection Group
- Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals
- EThekwini ECOPEACE
- Earth Charter Initiative
- Earth Liberation Army
- Earth Liberation Front
- Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network
- Earth Rangers
- EarthLink e.V.
- Earthlife Africa
- Earthwatch
- Earthworm Society of Britain
- Eastern Cape Parks
- Eaternity
- Eco-Agents
- Ecojustice Canada
- Ecology and Population
- Ekološko društvo Zeleni Osijek
- Emirates Environmental Group
- Endangered Wildlife Trust
- Ende Gelände
- Energy Probe
- Environment Conservation Group
- Environment Hubs Aotearoa
- Environment Victoria
- Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Environmental Foundation for Africa
- Environmental Investigation Agency
- Environmental Justice Foundation
- Environmental Law Foundation
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental Protection UK
- Environmentalist Foundation of India
- Estonian Nature Fund
- Ethecon Foundation
- European Environment Agency
- European Environmental Bureau
- European Wildlife
- Extinction Rebellion
- Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife
- Fauna and Flora International
- Federal Office for the Environment
- Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
- Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation
- Fire Free Alliance
- Fish and Wildlife Service
- Fondation Pacifique
- Forest Peoples Programme
- Forest Stewardship Council
- Forests and the European Union Resource Network
- Foundation for Environmental Education
- Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife
- France Nature Environnement
- Frankfurt Zoological Society
- Free the Bears Fund
- Freshwater Habitats Trust
- Friends of Nature
- Friends of Nature (China)
- Friends of the Earth
- Friends of the Earth
- Friends of the Earth (HK)
- Friends of the Earth (Malta)
- Friends of the Earth Korea
- Froglife
- Fuck for Forest
- Fund for Wild Nature
- Fundación Limne
- Fundación ProAves
- Garden Organic
- Generation Climate Europe
- German Foundation for World Population
- Gili Eco Trust
- Global Action Plan
- Global Alliance on Health and Pollution
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- Global Footprint Network
- Global Forest Coalition
- Global Green Growth Institute
- Global Green Growth Institute
- Global Green Growth Institute
- Global Landscapes Forum
- Global Nature Fund
- Global Witness
- Gluaiseacht
- GoodPlanet Foundation
- GoodPlanet Foundation
- Green Action Centre
- Green Actors of West Africa
- Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO)
- Green Alliance
- Green Belt Movement
- Green Belt Movement
- Green Camel Bell
- Green Council
- Green Cross International
- Green Life Environmental Conservation and Social Development Group
- Green Party
- Green Power
- Green Warriors of Norway
- Green Wood Centre
- GreenFaith
- Greening Australia
- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace East Asia
- Greenpeace East Asia
- Greenpeace Southeast Asia
- Groundwork UK
- Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity
- Göncöl Foundation
- Hardy Plant Society
- Haribon Foundation
- Himalayan Wildlife Foundation
- Hnutí Brontosaurus
- Hnutí DUHA
- IDEAS For Us
- Institute for Environmental Policy in Albania
- Inter-Tribal Environmental Council
- Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense
- Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- International Analog Forestry Network
- International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
- International Institute for Environment and Development
- International Joint Commission
- International Rivers
- International Tree Foundation
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
- International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Intersectional Ecoliberation Movement (IELM)
- Irish Peatland Conservation Council
- Israel Union for Environmental Defense
- John Muir Trust
- Kano State Environmental Planning and Protection Agency
- Keep Australia Beautiful
- Keep Britain Tidy
- Koeberg Alert
- Korean Federation for Environmental Movement
- Korean Mountain Preservation League
- L'Homme et L'Environnement
- Leaf Bank
- Legambiente
- Let's Do It! World
- Lights Out Hong Kong
- Limpopo Tourism and Parks Board
- Live Ocean
- Macedonian Ecological Society
- Mangrove Care Forum Bali
- Manitoba Eco-Network
- Manx National Heritage
- Marine Conservation Society
- Marine Stewardship Council
- Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles (MEDASSET)
- Milieudefensie
- Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Bangladesh)
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
- Miss Earth
- Modatima
- Mountain Wilderness
- Mpumalanga Parks Board
- National Biodiversity Network
- National Cleanup Day
- National Fruit Collection
- National Park Service
- National Trust for Nature Conservation
- National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty
- National Trust for Scotland
- Native Forest Restoration Trust
- Natural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment
- Nature Canada
- Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Nature Iraq
- Nature and Youth
- NatureServe
- Naturschutzbund Deutschland
- New Zealand Ecological Restoration Network
- New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health
- North American Native Fishes Association
- North West Parks and Tourism Board
- Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
- Oceana
- OceansWatch
- Ontario Nature
- Open Spaces Society
- Organisation for the Preservation of Birds and their Habitat
- Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network
- Panthera Corporation
- Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
- Partners in Population and Development
- Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
- Pasumai Thaayagam
- Pembina Institute
- People & Planet
- People's Trust for Endangered Species
- Permaculture Association
- Plane Stupid
- Plant A Tree Today Foundation
- Plantlife
- Poovulagin Nanbargal
- Population Matters
- Population, health, and the environment
- Possible
- Pragya
- Pragya
- Pragya
- Pro Natura
- Pro Specie Rara
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
- Project AWARE
- Public Transport Users Association
- Quercus
- Quercus Cabo Verde
- Rainforest Action Network
- Rainforest Alliance
- Rainforest Foundation Fund
- Rainforest Foundation Norway
- Rainforest Foundation UK
- Rainforest Foundation US
- Rainforest Trust
- Regenesis (non-profit organization)
- Residents Against SARP Pollution
- Rewilding Europe
- Rientrodolce
- Right to Clean Air Platform Turkey
- Rivers Without Borders
- Robin Wood
- Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand
- Royal Forestry Society
- Royal Horticultural Society
- Rutgers WPF
- SOS Sahel Ethiopia
- Sandwatch
- Saudi Environmental Society
- Save Cambodia's Wildlife
- Save Happy Valley Campaign
- Save the Elephants
- School strike for climate
- Scottish Wildlife Trust
- Sea Shepherd
- Seeds of Survival
- Sibuyanons Against Mining
- Sierra Club
- Sierra Club Canada
- Sierra Youth Coalition
- Society for Protection of the Harbour
- Society for the Environment
- Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
- Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
- Society for the Protection of Underground Networks
- Soil Association
- South African National Parks
- Staatsbosbeheer
- Stand.earth
- Stand.earth
- Stop Climate Chaos
- StrawberryNet
- Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme
- Surfrider Foundation
- Sustrans
- Swiss Association for Transport and Environment
- Swiss Association for the Protection of Birds
- Tanzania Environmental Conservation Society
- Tartu Students' Nature Conservation Circle
- The Civic Trust
- The Climate Group
- The Climate Reality Project
- The Conservancy Association
- The Conservation Volunteers
- The Corner House
- The Earth Organization
- The Earth Organization
- The Energy and Resources Institute
- The Facilities Society
- The Heinz Sielmann Foundation
- The Indonesian Forum for Environment
- The Institution of Environmental Sciences
- The Mammal Society
- The Mountain Institute
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Ramblers
- The Rivers Trust
- The Society for the Preservation of Wild Culture
- The Tree Register
- The Wilderness Society (Australia)
- The Wildlife Trusts
- The Wildlife Trusts
- This is My Earth
- Toronto Environmental Alliance
- Town and Country Planning Association
- Traffic (conservation programme)
- Tramore Eco Group
- Transitforum Austria Tirol
- Tree Aid
- Trees4Goals (
- Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion
- UK Environmental Law Association
- UK Student Climate Network
- Ukraine Nature Conservation Society (UkrTOP)
- United Nations Environment Programme
- Vincent Wildlife Trust
- Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation
- WILD Foundation
- Waipoua Forest Trust
- Water and Rivers of Brittany
- Western Canada Wilderness Committee
- Wetlands International
- Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
- Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
- Wildlife & Environment Society
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Wildlife Watch Australia
- Wildlife and Countryside Link
- Women Environment Programme
- Woodland Trust
- Workshop for All Beings
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- World Land Trust
- World Resources Institute
- World Union for Protection of Life
- World Wide Fund for Nature
- Worldwatch Institute
- Xerces Society
- Yayasan Merah Putih
- Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
- Young Friends of the Earth
- Zalul Environmental Association
- Zayed International Foundation for the Environment
- Zero Emission Resource Organisation
- Zoological Society of London