Getting started

This project exists because I enjoy thinking about and discussing certain things, and at some point in the process of researching, mulling over, and debating one's favorite topics, it becomes helpful to take that conversation to the internet. In particular I have been thinking about software development and music, and their intersection, for many years. More recently, my concern about climate change has grown, and it has become a topic on which I want to spend more time.

So one purpose for the Library project is to let these ideas collide in a space where I can invite others in to help refine, improve, and amplify them. By design, everything in this Library is a work in progress and subject to change and improvement.

Currently, the Library has one author, myself, and as such it is kind of like a blog. I can, however, see this project growing into a larger collaborative effort that would be even more impactful. With multiple contributors writing articles, the site could nurture a community of practitioners who learn and develop sustainable software and music development practices together.

So thank you for taking a look at the Nonzero Sum Library. I hope you find something here worth thinking about, arguing with, or building upon. And if you do, please consider participating in the project.

-- Matt Munz

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